
Christian Kane

Christian Kane is an American actor and singer-songwriter. His television roles include Lindsey McDonald in Angel, Eliot Spencer in Leverage and its ... Kane (American band) · Almost Paradise (TV series)

Christian Kane

Christian Kane was born in Dallas, Texas. Christian and his family moved around a lot throughout the South before settling down in Norman, Oklahoma.

Christian Kane

LATEST NEWS · 'Leverage: Redemption': Everything We Know So Far About Season 3 · 'The Librarians' Christian Kane To Reprise Jacob Stone Role In CW Spinoff 'The ... Music · About · Friends · Film & TV

Christian Kane (@christiankane1) • Instagram photos and videos

RestRelaxReload.com This is my OFFICIAL Instagram. Actor-Singer-Songwriter-Chef-Nomad.

Christian Kane(@christiankane1)• Instagram 相片與影片

RestRelaxReload.com This is my OFFICIAL Instagram. Actor-Singer-Songwriter-Chef-Nomad ; 598貼文 ; 11.3萬位粉絲 ; 397追蹤中 ...

Christian Kane

在Apple Music 聆聽Christian Kane的音樂。 尋找Christian Kane最熱門的歌曲和專輯,包括《Wicked (feat. Christian Kane)》、《Making Circles》 及更多作品。


Music videos · Christian Kane - The House Rules - Director's Cut · Christian Kane - Thinking Of You · Christian Kane - Let Me Go Official Music Video.

Christian Kane

Just one month until #ElectricCon! ⚡️Meet Christian Kane along with an incredible lineup of stars from your favorite #ElectricEntertainment shows. Don't miss out ...

Christian Kane - Biography

Biography. Christian Kane was born in Dallas, Texas. Christian and his family moved around a lot throughout the South before settling down in Norman, Oklahoma.


Christian Kane worked with legendary producer Bob Ezrin and Nashville veteran Jimmie Lee Sloas on his major label debut. He's very proud of this album and ...


ChristianKaneisanAmericanactorandsinger-songwriter.HistelevisionrolesincludeLindseyMcDonaldinAngel,EliotSpencerinLeverageandits ...Kane(Americanband)·AlmostParadise(TVseries),ChristianKanewasborninDallas,Texas.ChristianandhisfamilymovedaroundalotthroughouttheSouthbeforesettlingdowninNorman,Oklahoma.,LATESTNEWS·'Leverage:Redemption':EverythingWeKnowSoFarAboutSeason3·'TheLibrarians'ChristianKane...